Identity Theft Monitoring wins again!
Released on = January 6, 2006, 8:40 pm
Press Release Author = We Will Inc
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = With the threat of Identity Theft running rampant after the holidays it\'s great to hear of another victory.
Press Release Body = FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 1/6/2006
Identity Theft Shield wins again! With the threat of Identity Theft running rampant after the holidays it\'s great to hear of another victory. It\'s no longer acceptable to just pull your credit report and review it a couple times a year. Active credit report monitoring and expert analysis in a timely manner are the keys to protecting your identity and financial wellbeing.
Fort Collins Colorado 8:20 pm
According to Terry Etl, associate with Prepaid Legal Services, Inc., \"it\'s a tremendous reward to be helping people protect their families. After receiving the email tonight from our service a member called me in excitement. She was notified of an inquiry a home improvement company ran against her financial statements the night before. There is no feeling in the world to match this one. She was elated at the protection we offered her family against identity theft or credit card fraud. Having been a victim before she knows how important it is to find these issues immediately.\"
The average identity theft victim spends hundreds of hours of their own time and over $1,500 of their own money to correct an issue. These are the lucky ones. Many don\'t know they have had their identity stolen or compromised until they have lost a house, their car, or their savings. Now there is an answer to identify the issue before it gets out of hand. And, if it is an issue of theft, our services will help you resolve the issue with private investigators and attorneys. That\'s power.
Do you leave a credit card with the waiter at the restaurant? Do you sign your credit cards? Do you supply personal information over the internet? Do you keep your Social Security Number in your wallet or purse? Do you leave mail at home or the office for the postal carrier to collect? Do you shred all sensitive or unwanted marketing information?
Still think you aren\'t at risk? \"This is why our office has been so busy the past year. It\'s very rewarding to have a business that is truly helping each and every client,\" says Mr. Etl.
For more information about this service contact Terry Etl. Direct line: 1.888.620.9983 Email: Other helpful information regarding the event can be found at: For More Information Contact:
Terry Etl
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Contact Details = Terry Etl
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